Transitioning towards a more sustainable business model

Organizations are under increasing pressure from all stakeholders with whom they interact directly and indirectly:

  • At the regulatory level: legal obligations of transparency on the social and environmental practices of companies
  • At customer level: increasing demand for eco-responsible products
  • At investor level: investments orientation toward companies with a strong environmental and social policy and contribution

We accompany our clients in the reflection and integration of these concerns to transition towards a more sustainable business model and practices.

We work hand in hand with our customers and their stakeholders to rethink their business strategy, governance and objectives so they can contribute positively to society.

Our consulting services developed around the expertise

Private companies

  • Corporate Sustainability Responsibility (CSR) Strategy definition
  • Extra-Financial Reporting
  • Materiality Matrix Assessment
  • Responsible purchasing
  • Communication & Marketing plan development to communicate on sustainability strategy

Public organizations

  • Corporate Sustainability Responsibility (CSR) of Organizations

Financial institutions

  • Identification of market opportunities, the evolution of new business models
  • Development of methodologies and tools for calculating the environmental & social impacts of investments