Development and improvement of sustainable funds and financial products

The market’s appetite for environmental thematic products and funds is leading to the development of innovative asset performance evaluation methodologies. As a result, the integration of environmental issues directly into the investment and credit decision processes is becoming mainstream.

This fact is reinforced by the new SFDR (Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation) regulation on sustainable products, as well as article 29 of the French Energy and Climate Law, which requires a higher level of transparency and disclosure requirements underlying its sustainable investment objectives.

Succeed your sustainable financial product development

  1. Conducting critical reviews of existing funds or products: analysis of asset performance evaluation methods and decision processes
  2. Creation or reinforcement of a methodological structure for portfolio construction and monitoring (analysis grids, setting of environmental objectives, integration into investment decisions and engagement practices) or methodological development of environmental analysis to be integrated into the credit process
  3. Analysis of assets and portfolios by applying a wide range of environmental indicators: EU Taxonomy, Alignment with Paris Agreement objectives, physical and transition risk assessments, carbon intensity
  4. Extra-financial reporting: assistance in the preparation and drafting of reports and other commercial documents